Random Vibes

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The Un-President

This week the Random Vibes is taking a break from the usual frivolity associated with this space because I think I’d be remiss if I didn’t comment on the monumental change on the horizon. As I’m sure you guessed, I’m talking about the San Diego Chargers impending move to Los Angles. Okay, maybe not. Isn’t it funny how frivolity seems to find its way here all on its own? Unfortunately, the change I’m really talking about is not funny at all. Later this week, the “Un-President” will take over the most important job in the world.

That’s right, the “Un-President.” When there are an endless number of “Un” words to describe the orange menace that will soon be our commander-in-chief, “Un-President” is entirely fitting.

Let’s start with “Unpresidential.” From the moment he descended on that escalator to this very minute, the remarkably thin-skinned blowhard from Manhattan has been the antithesis of presidential. Look no further than his endless tantrums via Twitter to find evidence of that. Whether he’s attacking a union president:

Denigrating Alec Baldwin and Saturday Night live:

Or dissing Meryl Streep:


He comes across as anything but Presidential. Also, Meryl Streep overrated?  She just might be the greatest actress of all time.

Being “unpresidential” alone should be enough to earn the title of “Un-President,” but why stop there when there are plenty more “Un” words to go around?

“Unfit” comes to mind. The afore-mentioned thin skin, an apparent complete lack of empathy (mocking a disabled reporter?), as well as a long list of less than desirable qualities like racism, bigotry, and misogyny (to name just a few) all make the tweeter-in-chief appear unfit to be the leader of a third grade field trip let alone the free world.

Want some more? How about “unpopular”?  According to a recent Gallup poll, the “Un-President” elect is the most unpopular turnip ever to reach office. Currently, only 44% of Americans approve of the way he’s handled the transition whereas in 2009, a whopping 83% of Americans approved of how President Obama handled his transition.  

Think I’m running out of “Un” words? Not even close. Watch this:

“Unqualified.” I’m sorry but being rich does not automatically qualify one for the presidency, especially when one has multiple lawsuits and multiple bankruptcies to his name. On a side note, he’s managed to assemble a cabinet full of unqualified people as well, including Ben Carson who reportedly doesn’t even consider himself to be qualified for a cabinet post.

“Untruthful.” Obviously this could and should be an essay on it’s own. It would require daily updating (perhaps hourly). The “Un-President” seems almost incapable of telling the truth and lies about even the smallest of things.

“Uncouth.” The so-called locker room talk comes to mind. Of course I’ve been in tons of locker rooms and have yet to hear anything as vile as what the Menace came out with. Also, dismissing it as locker room talk implies that its okay in that type of setting and the fact is, it is not okay. Ever.

“Unhinged.” See above under unfit. The thought of his tiny fingers anywhere near the button (the one that blows things up) is more frightening than a Kardashian (take your pick) performing brain surgery. Come to think of it, Ben Carson performing brain surgery is frightening too!

The list goes on.

“Unbalanced.” See unfit and unhinged above.

“UnAmerican.” Seems to love Russia more than his own country and himself more than, well, anything.

“Unelected.”  Remember, the giant Cheeto lost the popular vote by almost 3 million. And that doesn’t include the almost 8 million Americans who voted for neither the Menace nor Hillary Clinton. In fact, were it not for about 100,000 people across three states, the closest the walking hairpiece would get to the White House would be his lawsuit riddled, conflict of interest creating, Washington hotel.

As you can see, the “Un” words are both endless and appropriate. It’s a game you can play at home too as I’m sure I’ve left out more than a few. Send them in. I’d love to hear them.

Unfortunately, (see what I did there?) we’re stuck with the “Un-President” for the foreseeable future. Now, in the interest of getting on with things, and returning to my usual frivolity, I’ll leave you with just three more “Un” words.

“Unbelievable”, as in, this whole fucking thing has been unbelievable.

“Unmitigated disaster, as in, this whole fucking thing has been and likely will continue to be an unmitigated disaster.

And finally, “unavailable”, which is what I plan to be on inauguration day.